This past April, I was shocked to hear that UNCG's plan to start a new school of Pharmacy had been completely shut down by UNC system president Erskine Bowles. He went against a wonderful proposal and gave the go ahead on a for his alma mater, UNC-Chapel Hill, to start a satellite program in Asheville. It was an obviously ridiculous decision.
The day this decision was made public, I sent Erskine Bowles an email. I wanted to let him know that I cared about my school and that I thought that he was doing favors for his alma mater.
My email ...
Mr. Bowles,
I just read about your decision to not allow UNCG to move forward on its plans to start a School of Pharmacy. I am a proud graduate of UNCG. I must say that I am very upset and disappointed with this decision. It's obvious with the partnership opportunities in the Greensboro and triad community that this would idea should have been given the "green light".
I am equally disappointed and upset that you are going to allow UNC-Chapel Hill to go forward with an obviously thrown together plan to start a satellite campus in Asheville. I think it is quite obvious that politics are being played in this decision.
While I'm very happy to have a wonderful leader UNCG has with Chancellor Brady, I am very sad that you are stifling a wonderful university from growing and progressing.
His reply ...
Thank you for caring. The decision is fully explained in the report on our website that was produced by our independent consultants. Erskine
Now his alma mater is in the middle of an academic scandal. But is the investigation being handled by independent consultants? No. At a press conference yesterday, Bowles proclaimed he was proud of how the UNC leadership was handling the situation. He made no mention of getting independent consultants to handle this investigation.
Let's be clear, the scandal that's happening at Chapel Hill is a damn fiasco. Every single day something new comes out about what has taken place. The reason that Mr. Bowles doesn't want independent consultants to get involved is because it might get in the way of him helping out his alma mater once again.
When is this clown retiring?
*** BTW, if you want to find out more about the Pharmacy School decision, you can start by doing a search on the News & Record website and checking into some of the discussion at UNCGFans.